Can LEAPs Make You Money?

Oh Yes they can!  Remember a LEAP is a Long-term Expiration AnticiPation Option.  It is a long-term option on underlying stock.

I bought 10 Options (one at the money and one out of the money) on five Dow Jones Dogs on October 17, 2018.  Here are the results so far showing in my Options Account at Charles Schwab:

Can Leaps Make You Money

A total of $9,899.32 was invested and as of this morning they are worth $13,518.50 — up $3,619.18 or 36.56% in just 12 days.  Not bad at all!  On an annualized basis that would be a return on investment (ROI) of 1,112.03%.  No!  I don’t plan to hold them that long … but I do plan to hold them a little bit longer.  I expect a great fourth quarter from the stock market, even though we have had a tough October.

Going forward I will only be showing my true results on this portfolio in private emails.  If you want to be involved in this email campaign, please state so in the comments below.  If you got an email notice on this article, then I have your email address.  If you don’t get this article via email notice … I will need your email address.  If you don’t want to leave it in the comments you can private message me at

As stated in previous articles, I will be doing this at least 4 times each year using the Dow Jones Average Small Dogs of the Dow (aka Puppies).  My next round is slated for December 2018 or January 2019 – depending on market conditions.  If you want in, I need to know so that I can send you an email.

You also need to understand that this is not a recommendation.  If you are working with a financial advisor, please seek his or her advice before acting on anything that I do in my own account.

If you want to know more about these long-term options … go HERE.

Have a great week …

Jerry Nix

3 thoughts on “Can LEAPs Make You Money?

    1. Ann, I have included you on the new email system for my Puppy Options. Please let me hear of your results if you choose to invest in them. Thanks – Jerry

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